Air Freight

  • General air freight
  • Air cargo Consol
  • Air freight express
  • Air freight import
  • transit air cargo
  • Sea/Air service
  • Door to Door service


Sea Freight

  • General sea freight
  • FCL shipment
  • LCL consol
  • Sea freight express
  • Sea freight import
  • X-Strait traffic
  • Transhipment freight
  • Multi transportation
  • Door to Door service


Customs declaration and Domestic transport

  • Import/Export clearance
  • Trans-shipment and clearance services
  • Bonded clearance
  • FTZ customs handling
  • Customs information
  • Cargo pick-up and delivery



  • Warehouse Rent(Dedicated/Share)
  • WMS
  • Inventory Management
  • Pick and Pack
  • Delivery & Return
  • FTZ warehouse
  • Value Add service
  • Logistics solution



  • Door to Door Services
  • Hand-Carry Services



  • Internet shipping service